(Plaza有condo和APT,APT的两室一厅大概是700多到800之间。condo是私人房不给租,不过所了解到唯一一套在夏天出租给中国留学生的的condo因为换签的时候出现合同纠纷。所以不[s:119]大家住condo)。<br /><br />To. SsSs: I do not understand your above statement. In Canada most property belong to private. If&nbsp; Tenancy Agreement between two sides get problem .The Agreement has somthing wrong or one part broke Agreement. The Manitoba government has a Residential Tenancies Branch. This department role the by law and has standard agreement form. Every landlord and tenant have to follow and the Branch solve the problem between two sides. Also the Branch every year publish rent fee increase rate. 2006 is 2%. If your landlord excess this rate and not get permission. This increase is void. Every one use the by law help youself.